Join us for our 5th Annual Scavenger Hunt & Block Party, hosted by [R] Kids Ministry!
Here’s how it works: You show up, grab your sealed envelope with our top-secret scavenger hunt list, and when the horn blows, you and your team jump in your cars and race—I mean drive responsibly—around town, snapping photos of as many listed items as you can. But there’s a catch—you only have 30 minutes! The top 3 teams with the most items found win prizes!
And after all that excitement, you can kick back and enjoy the block party! Grab some hot dogs, let the kids play 9-square and giant Jenga, participate in a Rubik's Cube contest, and end the night with an outdoor movie and s’mores at our tabletop firepits!
Sound like fun?
We’ll see you Friday, March 14th!